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Are you serious开玩笑吧?

发布时间:2024-02-27 19:54:07来源:网络转载

昨晚在优酷看了《绯闻少女》(Gossip Girl),学到了一些非常地道的口语。现摘录下来,以飨读者。

Bart: No going out on school nights. 上学期间禁止外出。

Eric: What? 什么?

Serena: Are you serious? 开玩笑吧?

Bart: All right, all right. 好了,好了。

Serena: Mom, where is this coming from? 妈,这些规定打哪儿来呀?

Lily: Bart and me. We made the decision together. We are in complete agreement on this matter. 巴特和我共同决定的。我们都觉得这样做是对的。

Serena: Yeah, I’m sure. 好吧,我确定了。


No going out= Do not go out. 禁止外出。

英文中许多祈使句是用No开头的,表示“禁止,不允许”,相当于Do not,但前者更加简洁干脆。No+名词常常出现在告示和规定文书中。类似No going out的句子还有禁止吸烟No smoking, 禁止拍照No photos.

Are you serious=Are you kidding. 开玩笑吧?

Serious是个多义词。除了“认真”、“严重”,“艰难”,还是“大量的,过多的(extreme/large in amount)”意思。如:serious money表示“大笔钱”的意思。而副词seriously还是“非常地”的意思。如:He is serious rich. 他非常有钱。

当别人用Are you serious 质疑你的时候,你可以这样回答:

I’m not kidding. I’m not joking. 我没有开玩笑。

I meant it. 我是认真的。

Believe me. You’d better believe it. Trust me.相信我。

I’m sure of it. 我敢肯定。

Where is this (decision) coming from?= Who made this decision? 谁做的决定?

当询问是谁做的决定时,我们一般会使用Who made this decision? 而更地道的口语是Where is the decision coming from?
